Project Archive con’t p.14 One-Bit Generator Atomic Roto-Vibe Number FourMonotron Mod Galvanic Synth Bell BoardKit Build Synth Dual Tone Generator Spring DelaySolar Theremin OptoBox Optical Theremin with effectsBell Board Electronic Prayer Machine Lo-Res SamplerStylus/Ribbon Control LFO Synth Electronic Prayer Machine Simple DelayLo-Res Sampler Quad Oscillator with Notch Filter The Special Electric AutoHarpSuper SQ Yellow WedgeSQ1 Nice The MiniBlue Meanie Green Sequencer HiLux SequencerBlue Sequencer Bedlam Sequencer Small DroneEPM Oscillator Two Roto BoxThe Special Regal Quad Oscillator Oscillator 6Sonic Generator Siren Roto OscillatorPulseTron Oscillatron The LoganOscillator One Boing Box Noise BoxSteno Synth SoundFX Keys Bass SynthKaiser Synth HarshTron GizmoTronThe 400 FX45 Purple Bass SynthOverDrive Number 1 FX16 Radar Navy VerbFX17 Funky EPM4 EPM1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Project Archive con’t p.14 One-Bit Generator Atomic Roto-Vibe Number FourMonotron Mod Galvanic Synth Bell BoardKit Build Synth Dual Tone Generator Spring DelaySolar Theremin OptoBox Optical Theremin with effectsBell Board Electronic Prayer Machine Lo-Res SamplerStylus/Ribbon Control LFO Synth Electronic Prayer Machine Simple DelayLo-Res Sampler Quad Oscillator with Notch Filter The Special Electric AutoHarpSuper SQ Yellow WedgeSQ1 Nice The MiniBlue Meanie Green Sequencer HiLux SequencerBlue Sequencer Bedlam Sequencer Small DroneEPM Oscillator Two Roto BoxThe Special Regal Quad Oscillator Oscillator 6Sonic Generator Siren Roto OscillatorPulseTron Oscillatron The LoganOscillator One Boing Box Noise BoxSteno Synth SoundFX Keys Bass SynthKaiser Synth HarshTron GizmoTronThe 400 FX45 Purple Bass SynthOverDrive Number 1 FX16 Radar Navy VerbFX17 Funky EPM4 EPM1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25